About Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a state of mind, accessed using the incredible power of your imagination and attention. In hypnosis, we become more responsive to positive suggestions, making therapeutic change quicker and more powerful.

The model of hypnotherapy I practise, cognitive hypnotherapy, is focused on the here and now. We won't spend a great deal of time talking about the past; knowing what caused the problem in the first place is one thing, but addressing what's maintaining it in the present is what really allows us to solve it. My training also includes a range of techniques drawn from the cognitive therapy tradition, so we may sometimes also work using non-hypnotic methods, whether that's to get a more detailed view of a problem or to give you some fast coping skills to use in real-world situations.

Hypnosis feels different to different people. It might be very relaxing, it might be refreshing and energising, you might feel more absorbed in your imagination, or it might not feel like anything at all until you realise after the session you feel better than you have in a long time! Most people also remember everything that happens in hypnosis; it's usually not like being asleep. If you do feel like you're drifting off, that's also absolutely fine. There's no particular pattern of brainwaves or experiences required to benefit from hypnosis; when we scan the brains of hypnotised people, their brainwaves depend on the content of what they are doing or thinking in hypnosis (see Horton and Crawford, 2004, p.140 for more on this, if you like that sort of thing).

What this means is that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to experience hypnosis. Worrying about whether you are "doing it right" may, however, make it more difficult to feel absorbed in what I am saying to you. If you do have trouble engaging with hypnosis at first, for whatever reason, don't worry; I've been there myself. We'll talk about it, and find a way to make it work for you. Sometimes different brains need slightly different approaches! But if you have enough of an imagination to worry about the future, you have enough of an imagination to benefit from hypnosis. Hypnotisability is a skill that can be learned, and people often find they get more and more out of it the more they experience it.

If you struggle with visualisation...that's okay, me too! I have a particular interest in working with divergent thinkers of all kinds, and we'll do our best to find a flavour of hypnosis that works for you.

Contrary to popular belief, in hypnosis, you are in control at all times. If I could share only one thing with you before your first session, it would be this! You will only accept suggestions that you choose to accept. After each hypnotic experience, I will ask you what worked for you and what you might want to change in future, so the way we work is always driven by you. Your role in hypnosis will be to "think along with" the things you hear me say, absorbing yourself in the ideas I suggest to you.

About Me

I am currently a trainee at the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, working towards GHR registration on receipt of my diploma.

It's easier for us to challenge ourselves in an environment where we feel safe, so it's important to me that you feel secure in our work together. I practise in line with the GHR's code of ethics, and adhere to strict standards of confidentiality and privacy. I am fully insured to work with clients from around the world remotely, and receive clinical supervision in line with the GHR's requirements.

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